Chakras – A Simple Introduction

The word ‘chakra’ is derived from the sanskrit word meaning ‘wheel’ and translated from the Hindi it means ‘wheel of spinning energy.’ A chakra is a whirling vortex and a powerhouse of energy. Within our bodies we have seven of these major energy centers and many more minor ones.chakras

These swirling wheels correspond to large nerve centers and organs in the body. The well-being of these energy vortices is vital to our mind, body and spirit in many ways.

As we know, everything is energy and that energy is constantly moving or vibrating. It is therefore essential that our seven main chakras stay aligned, cleansed and nourished with the highest of light frequencies.

downloadIf there is a blockage, usually with a more dense energy, our life force cannot flow. It stagnates causing dis-ease which can have a significant impact on our mental, emotional, spiritual and/or physical states of being.

Meditation and energy healing are just two ways of clearing, activating and nourishing our energy fields, allowing for healing, personal growth and transformation.

The 7 Chakras


1st chakra – Base/Root chakra
Located at the base of the spine. Physical survival, security, energy distribution and practicality.

2nd chakra – Sacral
Located in the lower abdomen just below the navel. Creativity, feelings, sexual drive and exploration.

3rd chakra  – Solar plexus
Located just below the ribcage around the naval. Sense of identity, self-confidence and personal power.

4th chakra – Heart
Located at the centre of the chest. Love, relationships, personal development, direction and sharing.

The heart center is in the middle of the seven and unites the lower chakras of matter and the upper chakras of spirit. The heart is
also spiritual but serves as a bridge between our body, mind and spirit. The heart chakra is our source of love and connection to all that is.

5th chakra – Throat
Located at the throat. Communication, personal expression, speaking one’s truth and the flow of information.

6th chakra – Third eye
Located at the centre of the brows. Perception, intuition, knowledge and mental organization.

7th chakra – The crown
Located just above the top of the head. Cosmic perception, intuition, spiritual connection and inspiration.

Why Balance your Chakras? 

  • To increase your vitality
  • To cleanse, activate and nourish your energetic channels or meridians
  • To support you in breaking free of conditioned patterns and deep-rooted behaviours by shifting the dense energy that keeps you stuck in old habits
  • To release anything from the past, stored within your emotional pain-body. See Eckhart Tolle´explain the pain-body.
  • To allow your creativity to flow or to develop specific positive traits by releasing that which no longer serves you
  • To tap into your higher wisdom allowing your full potential to blossom
  • To support your spiritual and meditation practise
  • To support you through any transition with ease and clarity
  • Enliven your inner intelligence,

Come and see me for chakra balancing with energy healing. Or join me to experience a guided meditation where we cleanse, activate and nourish your chakras. See 1-to-1, Sessions or Contact me.

Lake Owassa, Sussex County, NJ
My ‘Peaceful Meditation Spot,’ Lake Owassa, Sussex County, NJ

4 thoughts on “Chakras – A Simple Introduction”

  1. Everything you post is so detailed and obviously well researched. You appear extremely knowledgeable in this field

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