Our Chattering Mind

Let’s observe our mind for a few minutes. What does it spend its time doing?

We can imagine it is like a chattering monkey, jumping from one thought to the next. Restless, random and unsettled. It might be in the past, it hops into the future and it is rarely on the present moment.

On challenging days there is a troop of them!

Our mind…

  • Worries – we think about fears both real and imaginary
  • Recalls and relives hurtful things that have happened in the past
  • Lists our to-do items
  • Creates catastrophic ‘what-if’ scenarios for the future
  • Judges whats happening in the present

What can we do about this?

Meditation is a way of training the mind to focus. We can learn to tame this animal mind of ours. This can be done gently without forcing the mind to be a different way.

If we are irritable or angry we accept that this is the way things are in this moment. We notice the thoughts and feelings and give the mind some space. Trying to get in there to fix our mind can often make things worse. It can leave us feeling there is something wrong.


So, we sit patiently with our monkey mind and watch it with a sense of curiosity. We just notice the thoughts and feelings that arise. And most importantly, we do not attach to them…

See Not Attaching to your Thoughts and Emotions


One thought on “Our Chattering Mind”

  1. Thank you for your interest and kind words. Yes, and I am in the process of updating my YouTube channel so stay in touch. I hope to post something this week for children and I have another guided imagery meditation for adults.

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