‘When weeds in wheels shoot long and lovely and lush’ – Spring by Gerard Manly Hopkins
It was overwhelming joy I felt this morning on my walk.
I was greeted by so many beautiful flowers and fresh green shoots, revealing themselves anew, as the season unfolded right there before me.
Mother Earth reminds us that the simple things in life can really make a huge difference to our wellbeing.
Awaiting the arrival of Spring has been an exercise in patience this year. I am new to town and settling in an unfamiliar country. It was far colder here than a London winter. My usual damp and grey was replaced by an icy, snowy -17C a few months ago in New Jersey.
However, this morning, amongst other blooms, I was thrilled to discover the dainty, white bells from a flourishing lily of the valley. Nature at her finest, peeping through with verdant, shiny leaves.
How blessed are we to have the beauty of the natural world to lift our spirits? Mother Nature’s restorative capacity to ground us, nourish our soul and remind us there is more to life than our daily ‘to do’ list, is truly a gift.
Remaining present in the moment, maintaining a faith in a higher power or ‘hanging in there’ can be an interesting challenge at times. Let’s celebrate the power of nature to lend a gentle hand, to bring us back to the present and infuse us with exuberance. In doing so, perhaps we allow acceptance, patience and love to fill our heart.
As you may already know:
- Exposure to natural environments such as parks or woodland, enhances our ability to cope with and recover from stress, illness and injury
- Established methods of nature-based therapy including wilderness, horticultural, and animal-assisted therapy have success healing patients who previously had not responded to treatment of some emotional or physical ailments
- People have a more positive outlook on life and higher life satisfaction when in proximity to nature, particularly in urban areas
- The benefits of grounding are many – and thats another post!
So if you are faced with adversity or challenged by a busy mind, don’t forget there is healing to be found close by.
Go outside… breathe. It may just restore your composure and it will definitely soothe your soul.
And remember that we are so much greater than our stuff. We are all one and that includes being part of our divine Mother Earth.
So I can see that this site is full of flowers. I’m an Environmental Engineering Student. And I hope this site will bloom even more. Good Luck.
Thank you for your wonderful post. It was a great reminder to get outside and enjoy the beauty of the natural world. A very timely reminder. Thank you.
Thanks Esther for your thoughtful message. Just a few minutes in nature, connecting, can make a world of difference to our state of mind.
Your blog on Mother Nature encompassed everything I feel about the natural and the animal world and more. Thank you Rachel