Our Chattering Mind

Let’s observe our mind for a few minutes. What does it spend its time doing?

We can imagine it is like a chattering monkey, jumping from one thought to the next. Restless, random and unsettled. It might be in the past, it hops into the future and it is rarely on the present moment.

On challenging days there is a troop of them!

Our mind…

  • Worries – we think about fears both real and imaginary
  • Recalls and relives hurtful things that have happened in the past
  • Lists our to-do items
  • Creates catastrophic ‘what-if’ scenarios for the future
  • Judges whats happening in the present

What can we do about this?

Meditation is a way of training the mind to focus. We can learn to tame this animal mind of ours. This can be done gently without forcing the mind to be a different way.

If we are irritable or angry we accept that this is the way things are in this moment. We notice the thoughts and feelings and give the mind some space. Trying to get in there to fix our mind can often make things worse. It can leave us feeling there is something wrong.


So, we sit patiently with our monkey mind and watch it with a sense of curiosity. We just notice the thoughts and feelings that arise. And most importantly, we do not attach to them…

See Not Attaching to your Thoughts and Emotions


Our ‘Survival Mind’

Why does our mind often get stuck thinking the worst?

Back in the days of the caveman, our mind was built for survival. What were we protecting ourselves from and what were we looking out for?

Yes, that’s not a tricky question to answer – it was the potential attack from wild animals! We were at risk of being eaten as we hunted and fished for our food.

So our brain was helpfully designed to look for danger in order to protect us. However, our brain still does this danger reconnaissance today. Which can leave us thinking the worst with a mind plagued by anxiety.

This is why we find it a challenge to stop our mind thinking about possible threats. Even small things – we tend to focus on what might go wrong.

It may only be something tiny that catches our attention… the way a person looks at us, something someone says, not getting something we think we need… and thats it! Our mind is off! We are stuck with these thoughts whizzing around our heads for hours. And our thoughts can dictate our whole day!

And these thoughts can lead to difficult feelings.

We feel stressed, anxious, angry or sad. We find these thoughts and feelings hard to get away from. Sometimes there seems to be no escape.

This is one of the reasons we learn to train our caveman brain or our ‘survival mind’ using meditation. 

We can do this gently without judging ourselves, our busy thoughts and our unsettled emotions. We can do this by focusing our attention using meditation and awareness techniques. We aim to observe our thoughts and let them go by not attaching to them. See Not Attaching to your Thoughts and Emotions if you’re new to this way of thinking.

Not Attaching to Our Thoughts & Emotions

It is estimated that we have between 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts a day! That is a lot of thoughts to stop, clear or manage!

However, meditation and focused attention are not about having a clear, thought-free mind.

We are not trying to stop or fix our thoughts and emotions or to force them away.

We are aiming to change the way we relate to the thoughts and feelings that show up in our mind. We do this by not attaching to the them.

One way to manage the busy mind is to imagine our thoughts as fluffy white clouds. See any thought that pops into your mind as a cloud in a beautiful blue sky… and just let it drift by.

As your thoughts come and go and do not engage with any of them. Allow them to float away. By not attaching to the thoughts, you can step back to become an observer.

You might prefer to see your thoughts as traffic flowing through your mind?

Some thoughts keep returning so perhaps you could see these thoughts as taxis? You can choose whether to catch a taxi or let it pass by. By not getting into the taxi, you let that thought go, you do not attach to it..

And why do we want to let this endless stream of thoughts go and not engage? One of the reasons is WE ARE NOT OUR THOUGHTS and WE ARE NOT OUR EMOTIONS!

Try this: Close your eyes for 20 seconds and count the thoughts that pop into your head.

How did you do? At least one thought right? So, if you can COUNT your thoughts you cannot BE your thoughts.

Our thoughts and emotions come and go. They are temporary. But they do a great job of dictating our whole day and often ruin our attempts at maintaining a peaceful mind.

As we relive scenarios over and over, our mind rides a rollercoaster of emotions. Thoughts become feelings and we get stuck in worry, stress, anger and frustration.

So what are we if we are not our emotions?


We are this ‘awareness part’ of ourselves – a part of us that is always there. It is permanent. And we find it within. In the stillness. In the quiet. When our chattering mind stops chattering! And when we become the observer.

Some say this part of us is pure love. It is what we already are, regardless of the external part of us, which is temporary. We are a spark of the Divine. An energy that can never disappear – which we know is backed up by science.

So let’s practise being an observer of our thoughts. Let’s practise being this awareness part of ourselves. And as we disengage with our thoughts and stop our thinking activity we begin to meditate instead! Hooray!

See Our ‘Survival Mind’



Chakras – A Simple Introduction

The word ‘chakra’ is derived from the sanskrit word meaning ‘wheel’ and translated from the Hindi it means ‘wheel of spinning energy.’ A chakra is a whirling vortex and a powerhouse of energy. Within our bodies we have seven of these major energy centers and many more minor ones.chakras

These swirling wheels correspond to large nerve centers and organs in the body. The well-being of these energy vortices is vital to our mind, body and spirit in many ways.

As we know, everything is energy and that energy is constantly moving or vibrating. It is therefore essential that our seven main chakras stay aligned, cleansed and nourished with the highest of light frequencies.

downloadIf there is a blockage, usually with a more dense energy, our life force cannot flow. It stagnates causing dis-ease which can have a significant impact on our mental, emotional, spiritual and/or physical states of being.

Meditation and energy healing are just two ways of clearing, activating and nourishing our energy fields, allowing for healing, personal growth and transformation.

The 7 Chakras


1st chakra – Base/Root chakra
Located at the base of the spine. Physical survival, security, energy distribution and practicality.

2nd chakra – Sacral
Located in the lower abdomen just below the navel. Creativity, feelings, sexual drive and exploration.

3rd chakra  – Solar plexus
Located just below the ribcage around the naval. Sense of identity, self-confidence and personal power.

4th chakra – Heart
Located at the centre of the chest. Love, relationships, personal development, direction and sharing.

The heart center is in the middle of the seven and unites the lower chakras of matter and the upper chakras of spirit. The heart is
also spiritual but serves as a bridge between our body, mind and spirit. The heart chakra is our source of love and connection to all that is.

5th chakra – Throat
Located at the throat. Communication, personal expression, speaking one’s truth and the flow of information.

6th chakra – Third eye
Located at the centre of the brows. Perception, intuition, knowledge and mental organization.

7th chakra – The crown
Located just above the top of the head. Cosmic perception, intuition, spiritual connection and inspiration.

Why Balance your Chakras? 

  • To increase your vitality
  • To cleanse, activate and nourish your energetic channels or meridians
  • To support you in breaking free of conditioned patterns and deep-rooted behaviours by shifting the dense energy that keeps you stuck in old habits
  • To release anything from the past, stored within your emotional pain-body. See Eckhart Tolle´explain the pain-body.
  • To allow your creativity to flow or to develop specific positive traits by releasing that which no longer serves you
  • To tap into your higher wisdom allowing your full potential to blossom
  • To support your spiritual and meditation practise
  • To support you through any transition with ease and clarity
  • Enliven your inner intelligence,

Come and see me for chakra balancing with energy healing. Or join me to experience a guided meditation where we cleanse, activate and nourish your chakras. See 1-to-1, Sessions or Contact me.

Lake Owassa, Sussex County, NJ
My ‘Peaceful Meditation Spot,’ Lake Owassa, Sussex County, NJ

Tips on Guided Meditation & Sample Meditation

“I just can’t stop my mind from thinking…”

Piedras zen

… is the usual response when I mention that I have a passion for meditation. People often believe they will only benefit if they sit for long periods with a chatter-free mind achieving buddhist monk status.

If you are working towards calming your ‘monkey-mind’ and extending your practice, just a few minutes daily will produce better results than a lengthy practice performed infrequently.

Tips to assist your meditation practice

  • reflect_000007706240resizedFind somewhere you won’t be disturbed. If possible, choose a regular spot each time. This supports your mind in building positive associations. We are aiming for calm relaxation with a gentle focus
  • Take a few deep breaths to center yourself
  • Use your out-breath to relax your muscles and let go
  • As you breathe out empty your lungs completely for the first few breaths
  • You can say a prayer or call upon your Higher Self/Guides/Source/God to bless and protect you as you meditate
     A simple guided meditation for clearing and connecting…
Codrington College, Barbados, Meditation Retreat
Meditation Retreat, Codrington College, Barbados
  • Imagine you have roots or cords emerging from the soles of your feet. Visualize them descending deep into the earth, perhaps through layers of rocks and crystals
  • In your mind’s eye, anchor these roots at the centre of the earth’s core
  • Using your out-breath, send any excess energy along these roots and into the earth… negative thoughts, frustrations, anxiety. Visualize them and just let them go
  • Then imagine you are drawing up the beautiful energy from Mother Earth. Let it flow up through your feet to fill your whole body. Feel these earth energies relaxing your ankles, calves, knees, up through your thighs to your hips etc
  • You can visualize this energy flowing through, nourishing and activating your first three energy centers or chakras – root, sacral, solar plexus – and anchoring in your heart centre (see image below or find more information at What’s a chakra?)


  • Now visualize a brilliant golden / white light beaming down from above. See it flowing in through your crown chakra
  • Draw this light down into your third eye, your throat chakra, your heart
  • See it infusing and bathing every cell in your body
  • Imagine this light expanding out from your heart and forming a cocoon of golden/white light around you
  • Call your Higher Self, your Guides or Source into your protective cocoon or bubble of light
  • You can imagine yourself connecting this golden/white light from the heavens with the Mother Earth energy, forming a pillar of light within you that allows you to be both grounded and connected to the Divine

  • Bring your attention to your heart chakra in your chestheart-chakra-1
  • Start by generating feelings of gratitude, joy or other positive emotions. As well as bringing you calm and focus, this practise can help raise the vibration of your energy field, assisting connection to your higher self and the Higher Realms, which vibrate at a faster frequency

When you visualize and meditate this way, you allow yourself to be infused with high frequency light from Source or the Divine, filled with wisdom, codes and spiritual information. It is this light that protects, nourishes and cleanses us whilst we meditate.

If I am guiding a meditation for others, I will now take the group or individual on a beautiful journey using guided imagery.

Your 7 Energy Centers or Chakras
  • You can bring your attention back to your chakras at any time, seen in the diagram above
  • As you focus on each one in turn, visualize each chakra wheel opening and spinning, allowing the light to activate and cleanse these powerful vortices of energy. You could also imagine breathing in the corresponding colour for that chakra, depending how long you want to spend in meditation
If your mind wanders…
  • As unwanted thoughts creep in, which they will, just observe without judgement. Let them go without attaching to any one in particular
  • You can use your breath to focus your mind by locating the entry/exit point of the breath. Can you focus on the small sensation point where the air arrives as you inhale and leaves as you exhale? Each time your mind wanders, bring yourself back to this point at your nostrils
  • You could also focus on a mantra to calm your thoughts. A word or phrase: ‘love,”peace,’ ‘I am calm,’ ‘I am that I am’
  • Remain in this state, observing your breath, until you are ready to come back
Closing the meditation…
  • Starting at the crown – see above, the chakra at the top of the head – one by one, imagine each of your chakras closing, like the petals of a flower
  • Visualize your cocoon of white light around you and into this protective bubble draw in your precious energyimg_2184
  • Imagine disconnecting from Source / the Light above
  • You can keep your roots descending into Mother Earth, to ensure you stay grounded
  • Bring your attention to the sensations in your body, wriggle your toes and become aware of the sounds around you
  • Welcome back Beautiful Soul!

And… repeat – regularly!
